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Interested in enrolling at Dance Dimensions?

We’d love to have you! Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions, or check out our dance classes for more information and be sure to read through our disclaimer.


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Dance Shoes & Supplies

Dancers Den………………..1630 Albert Street
Suits & Soles………………….1363 Rose Street

Fee Structure/Schedule (Office Hours)

The dance studio will not hold regular office hours starting in September, however we will check email and phone messages daily. (Email is the quickest response). The preferred method of payment for monthly tuition is a pre-authorized credit card. Debit payments can only be accepted the first week of the month on office hours that will be announced at the start of our season, and cash payments can always be made through our lock box located outside of our studio office.

All Payments are due the first week of each month.
We DO NOT accept cheques. The preferred method of payment is the pre-authorized payment plan to have dance fees charged to your credit card on the first of the month.
All full season classes run from September to May.

Prices Per Student

Class fees per/month can be found under the class description.

Dancers taking 4-7 classes/month receive a 5% discount each month. (No discount on exam classes).

Dancers taking 8 or more classes/month receive a 10% discount each month. (No discount on exam classes).

Note: Registration fee is non-refundable. Class withdrawal requires a one-month written notice.

Dancers are highly recommended to also take our C.D.T.A. exam classes to emphasize & accelerate their training and technique.